Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center 2019 Schedule

The Registrar's Office is committed to serving the students' academic needs in numerous ways including registration for classes, adding and dropping classes, monitoring degree requirements, grades, transcript requests, evaluation of transfer classes, verification of enrollment, graduation contracts, graduation ceremony details, graduation requirements, and more…

  • Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended

    The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA; also known as the "Buckley Amendment") and provisions of the California Education Code set out requirements designed to govern the access to, and release of, educational records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the FERPA Office at the United States Department of Education concerning alleged failures by The Master's University to comply with provisions of FERPA.

    In accordance with the regulations of FERPA, as amended, The Master's University has adopted policies and procedures concerning the implementation of FERPA on campus. The policy is available here. The Department of Education offers a copy of the FERPA regulations online.

    Directory Information

    Certain information designated as "Directory Information" may be disclosed without the consent or knowledge of the student unless the student has notified The Master's University in advance that such information is not to be released. "Directory Information" at The Master's University is defined as:

    • Name

    • TMU E-mail Address

    • Campus Mail Box Number

    • Date of birth (verification only)

    • Major field of study

    • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports

    • Height and weight of members of athletic teams

    • Dates of attendance at the university

    • Degrees and honors received

    • Enrollment status (undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time)

    • Year in school

    • Photographs

    • The most recent educational agency or institution attended

    The purpose of establishing this definition of Directory Information is to notify the student of the types of personally identifiable information included with this definition of "Directory Information" and to allow the student to prevent the disclosure of this information should he or she wish to do so.

    The student may request that his or her information remain confidential by checking the "No" option under the "Contact Information" section of the Pre-Registration form.

    Implications of Specifying Confidentiality to Student Records

    Students requesting that their records remain confidential should be aware that no information will be given out to anyone, including immediate family members and potential employers, regarding any information about the student. Students with confidentiality are not able to obtain information concerning their own records unless they inquire in person or by writing a request which includes their signature.

    Students who have requested that their information remain confidential and who withdraw or graduate from the university should be aware that their information will remain confidential and will not be released without the signature and expressed consent of that student.


    The university does not permit access to, or the release of, personally identifiable information or educational records, to any individual without the written consent of the student, with the following exceptions:

    • To administrators, faculty, or staff of the university, having legitimate educational concerns.

    • To medical personnel when the health of the student or others would be endangered by the withholding of information.

    • To financial aid personnel in connection with an application for such aid.

    • To the parents of dependent children.

    • To the governmental officials designated by law, or in compliance with a judicial order.

    Note: Students who wish to release their education records to their parents or to another named party will need to request a release form from our office.

  • This checklist is for general guidance. Since certain majors have mandatory/permissive course substitutions, please refer to the catalog for the academic year you began at TMU. Please click the link below for the General Education Requirements Checklist.

    General Education Requirements Checklist

    (Effective FALL 2015)


























































    LS150 or GS150



    LS150L or GS150L






    ***Please note that this checklist is for general guidance. Since certain majors have mandatory/permissive course substitutions, please refer to the catalog for the academic year you began at TMU. AEW = American/English/World Literature. Any of the following fulfills this requirement: E211, E212, E221, E222, E231, and E232. *** EE = English Elective. Any English course fulfills this requirement.

  • Symbol Grade Points Explanation
    A 4 Thorough mastery of a subject material & demonstrated effective use of creative resourcefulness.
    A- 3.7
    B+ 3.3 Good mastery of subject material, and evidences ability to effectively use acquired knowledge.
    B 3
    B- 2.7
    C+ 2.3 Average grasp of subject material.
    C 2
    C- 1.7
    D+ 1.3 Minimal grasp of subject material.
    D 1
    D- 0.7
    F 0 Failure to attain minimal grasp of subject material.

  • I. Philosophy

    Learning to grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is the mission of Christian higher education. We want to educate the heart as well as the mind, desiring to maintain an atmosphere that will be conducive to the development of spiritual maturity and discernment. Because each student coming to The Master's University professes faith in Jesus Christ, we expect students to grow in that faith through the work of the Holy Spirit.

    The Master's University is committed to developing its students into people who obey biblical mandates because they are personally accountable to God and His Word rather than to man alone. University policies are designed by the administration to facilitate an educational environment which honors the Lord.

    The student, by virtue of their signature on the application for admission, agrees to live within the framework of the standards of the university both on and off campus while each semester is in session. Though one's personal convictions may differ with these standards, a student's choice to become a part of The Master's University community implies a commitment to abide by the established policies.

    God calls all believers to submit to the governing authorities (this includes federal, state, and/or local governments and their respective legislation). Romans 13 directs, "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God…render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor" (vv. 1, 7). Current laws governing the use of technology require students to honor these laws as a mandate regardless of personal opinion. Students who are in violation of such laws will face the consequences of campus discipline, as well as, legal liability.

    II. Definitions

    Electronic Media – Any electronic medium, including but not limited to: email text, chat, email attachments, gaming, web page viewing, video files, audio files, or computer/program files.

    TMU Network – Any TMU computer, server, software, program, facility or the hardware/equipment involved in the interconnection and interoperation of these items, or any said device connected to any such device at TMU (for example, any laptop/PC connected to the TMU wired/wireless network).

    Hacking – Defined as attempting to gain unauthorized access to systems, networks, or data – this includes any unauthorized attempt to incapacitate, interrupt, view, alter, copy or delete systems, networks or data.

    "Video" – Defined as watching audio/visual content (or files of such) via PC, DVD player, Blu-ray player, Television, or any other equipment.

    "Foreign" Media – Defined as data, images, programs, games, viruses, etc. which did not originally reside on the TMU network.

    Texting – Refers to the exchange of brief written messages between fixed-line phone or mobile phone and fixed or portable devices over a network.

    III. Guidelines

    Any "unwholesome" [i.e. actions inconsistent with our profession as Christ's followers committed to holiness, truth, and the proper stewardship of His blessings (possessions, time, etc.)] use of Electronic Media which may include, but not be limited to: email text, chat, email attachments, video files, audio files, electronic/internet gaming, web page viewing or file transfers is expressly forbidden.


    Electronic mail which meets the following criteria is prohibited:

    Spamming – An attempt by any student(s) to issue unsolicited bulk email to other students, or to anyone outside of The Master's University.

    Spoofing – Any attempt to send an email which appears to have originated from someone other than the actual sender. Unrelated to email, prohibited "spoofing" also includes any attempt to impersonate/borrow another user's login.

    Internet/TMU Network

    Internet/TMU Network/MasterNet use is restricted in the following ways:

    Web Page viewing – Viewing http, https, ftp, or any Internet site regardless of protocol with illegal, pornographic, or any other immoral material is prohibited.

    Chat – Any application used for "Internet Messaging" or "Instant Messaging" cannot be used for illegal file trading (including, but not limited to audio/video files) or to send illicit messages to anyone.

    Uploading & Downloading of any type of electronic media file – The use of the Internet or the TMU Network for uploading and/or downloading files which contain unwholesome or illegal content is prohibited. THIS INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: ANY CONTENT WHICH IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW. Therefore, any file sharing involving music, video, audio, computer programs, etc. in which the distributor of the media (web page/site or server) is not a legal and officially licensed distributor of the media is PROHIBITED. Stated alternately, all "pirated" material is clearly prohibited. Simply because media is accessible, or free of charge, does not make it legal. Whether an individual "thinks" such a file transfer/download is legal is irrelevant; Copyright Law indicates it is stealing.

    The illegal distribution of copyrighted materials, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject students to criminal and civil penalties. A summary of the penalties for violation of Federal copyright laws can be found at Any student found to be in violation of these policies could be subject to institutional discipline in addition to criminal and civil penalties.

    Hacking – Any usage of the TMU Network for activities that are directly or indirectly, advertently or inadvertently considered "hacking" are prohibited. Any attempt to bypass security or content restrictions (such as web page filtering) is considered "hacking."

    Foreign Media – Any attempt to introduce "foreign", harmful, and/or inappropriate media to The Master's University Network is clearly prohibited (this includes, but is not limited to: viruses, worms, etc.). Complete responsibility for such actions lies with the student(s) who introduce it. Intentional introduction will be treated as hacking and the destruction of property.

    Usage for Internet/Server-The TMU network is not to be used to set up a personal "server." The server prohibition includes, but is not limited to: file sharing, DCHP, WINS, DNS, Directory Services and Web Services. For an extended definition, see the Network Use Policy (NetworkPolicy).

    Phone Usage

    Illicit or harassing phone calls are prohibited. This includes calls to phone services with sexual content, or any type of inappropriate calls with/to other students.

    Texting – Illicit or harassing texting is prohibited. This includes texts with sexual content, or any type of inappropriate texts with/to other students.

    Printing/Scanning – Printing or scanning or illegal, pornographic, or any other immoral material is prohibited.

    IV. Consequences

    Each student bears full responsibility for his/her actions as they relate to the use of the TMU Network or any electronic media. Discipline for all infractions of the Media Ethics Policy will be under the direction of Student Life. This may include, but is not limited to, the suspension and/or revocation of network and Internet access and services.

    1. All legal consequences involving the use/misuse of the TMU Network or equipment lie solely with the user.

    2. The cost of damages caused by any student(s) enrolled at TMU will be born solely by the student(s) responsible individually; they shall not hold the university responsible in any way for their use/misuse of the Network whatever the ramifications of that use/misuse.

    3. Departures from the Media Ethics policy or any misuse of the TMU Network which may by "technicality" fall outside of this policy but which remain within the moral, ethical, and spiritual guidelines intended by the "spirit" of this policy are subject to discipline.

    July 23, 2010 (Ver. 1.3)

  • Add/Drop/Withdrawal

    The add/drop period (the first two weeks of each semester) allows students to make changes to their class schedules. We strongly recommend that students work with their academic advisor to ensure that they are on track to meet their degree requirements.

    Classes may be added during the first two weeks of each semester. Between the 3rd and 13th weeks of each semester, students may withdraw from classes without a grade penalty by completing an add/drop form and submitting it to the Registrar's Office to make the changes. The student will receive a W (withdrawal) grade in that course. A student who never attends (or stops attending) a course for which he is officially registered without following the accepted procedures will be awarded the grade earned in that course.

    Directed Studies

    A Directed Studies (DS) course is a course that does not meet as a regularly scheduled class. A DS course may be appropriate to resolve a scheduling conflict, to complete a course not offered in a given academic term, or to study an academic topic or subject matter not offered by TMU.

    Note: Effective Fall 2016, new procedures and deadlines apply to DS courses. New DS courses must comply with all TMU procedures and deadlines that apply to non-DS courses, unless specifically stated otherwise.

    A "Directed Studies Course Contract" is used to enroll in a DS course. A completed Contract may be submitted to the Registrar's Office as soon as the registration period opens for a given academic term and must be submitted no later than the end of the add/drop period for the academic term in which the DS course is to be added. For Spring 2017, a DS course may not be added after Monday, January 30, 2017. Drop/withdrawal procedures are identical to those for non-DS courses.

    A DS course taken in either the Fall or Spring term must be completed by the end of that academic term. A DS course taken in either the Winter or Summer term must be completed by the Friday before the start of the subsequent academic term. If a student does not compete the DS work on time, the Registrar's Office will assign a grade of "F" to the student for the DS course.

    For tuition purposes, there is no distinction between units from DS and non-DS courses. Tuition refunds for dropping a DS course will be calculated and processed in accordance with normal Student Accounts procedures. A DS course fee of $50 per unit may be assessed in addition to tuition. The DS course fee is non-refundable after the end of the add/drop period.

    A student may enroll in no more than two DS courses in any one academic term, and a maximum of 13 units of TMU DS coursework may be used to complete a bachelor's degree program.

    Repeated Courses

    A student may repeat any course which was previously attempted. No additional credits may be earned, however, by repeating a course which a student has already passed (grade of D- or higher) unless the course is designated as repeatable for credit. When a course is repeated at The Master's University, the subsequent grade replaces the previous grade for GPA purposes (even if lower), but the previous grade remains on the student's academic record and transcript.

    Grade Changes

    It is the student's responsibility to immediately bring any error in grades to the attention of the instructor. Grade changes are made at the discretion of the instructor and will be posted to the student's permanent record when the instructor completes a Grade Change Form and returns it to the Registrar's Office.

    Non-Term Courses

    Non-term courses are identified as those not taken during the fall or spring semesters. Non-term at The Master's University is considered as winterim and post-session.

    Winterim takes place during the second week of January. Course registration for winterim takes place simultaneously with spring course registration and extends until the first day of the winterim class. Tuition and fees are included on the student's spring bill. A student may take no more than three total units during winterim.

    Post-session takes place during two time periods: 1) the final three weeks of May and 2) the first three weeks of June. Course registration for post-session begins during spring course registration and extends until the first day of the post-session class. Tuition and fees must be paid before the first day of class. A student may take no more than six units during each post-session.

    Awarding of Credit by Examination

    The Master's University, as a member of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB), recognizes the merits of the Advanced Placement (AP), the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and the International Baccalaureate (IB), and will grant credit for passing scores in certain tests offered through these programs. A student may earn a maximum of 32 semester units of AP/CLEP/IB exam transfer credit. If a student takes a college course for which he has already received AP/CLEP/IB credit, then he forfeits that transfer credit.

    The amount and type of credit awarded for each examination and the minimum passing score has been determined by the various academic departments. A list of acceptable AP/CLEP courses and credit granted for courses is available in the Registrar's Office. If AP/CLEP examinations have been taken, contact the Registrar's Office for information regarding acceptance of CLEP scores.

    Note: The Master's University has been designated as a national testing facility for the CLEP examination. For testing information, click here or contact the Center for Career Services at ext. 3002.

    Verification of Enrollment

    Written verification of enrollment may be requested by a student at any time during the semester. Verification of enrollment may be released to any party: for student loan deferment, good student discounts on auto insurance, health insurance, scholarships, etc. A copy of the verification is kept in the student's file. The Master's University can verify enrollment for current and previous semesters, not for future semesters.

    Should you need to update your information for our student records, forward the pertinent information (preferably in writing) to our office via email or mail.

    Scholastic Probation

    Any student whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation for one semester. Any student entering on probation is limited to 15 units per semester. They must earn a minimum GPA of 2.00 at the end of the first semester to be removed from probation.

    Any student whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.00 for two consecutive semesters will be subject to academic disqualification. A student subject to disqualification may appeal by submitting a letter to the Vice President for Academic Affairs stating why he/she should not be disqualified. The student's request will then be reviewed by the Academic Affairs Council for final decision.

    The procedure for readmission of an academically disqualified student includes: (1) a minimum of one semester of academic suspension, (2) attendance at another accredited institution and achievement of a 2.50 cumulative GPA on a minimum of twelve semester units of transferable coursework with no course grade lower than a "C", and (3) review of the student's application for readmission by the admissions committee.

    Any student whose GPA falls below 2.00 may not participate in extracurricular activities such as student government, athletics, music and mission teams.

    Complete Withdrawal from The Master's University

    A student who, for any reason, finds it necessary to withdraw from the university during the course of the semester must do so through the Admissions Office. The student must complete the Complete Withdrawal form. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in failing grades entered on the student's record. Any refund due the student is according to the refund policy available in the Student Accounts Center.

  • Registration/Check-in


    Fall Registration opens during the months of March/April. Spring (including Winterim & Post-Session) Registration opens during the months of October/November. Students will register using the Registration Dashboard accessible through the Student Portal, by clicking the orange REGISTER button. This process will begin with their advisors during their scheduled registration days. Registration is available when students have completed Pre-Registration and have advisor authorization. Registration is completed when they have registered for their classes.


    The purpose of Check-In is to verify the enrollment of students and enable them to complete the processes in a one-stop format. New Student Check-In for the fall is held on the Monday of Week of Welcome while in the spring it is held in conjunction with Continuing Student Check-In. Continuing Student Check-In in the fall is held the Saturday prior to the first day of classes and on the Wednesday before the first day of classes in the spring. Late Check-In begins the first day of classes following the final scheduled day of regular check-in and continues for five days.

    When do I register?

    Registration opens for students incrementally by class level. The University sets a specific date for current students to enroll in their classes. You can view your registration date by looking at registration reminders on the Student Portal. Class level is determined by the total number of completed units as of the date that the student completes pre-registration.

    When is the ADD/DROP period?

    View the Academic Calendar to see important semester dates. Also, see "Important Dates" on the Student Portal.

    Before you will be able to register two things are required:

    • Using the Dashboard, complete Pre-Registration.
    • Advisor authorization: Select your courses, then schedule an appointment to meet with your advisor (bring your laptop). They will give you advisor authorization and will work with you to complete the registration process.

    Once these two steps are complete, you will be able to use the Registration Dashboard on your own! (Athletes, see the note below).

    STOPS: If you have a STOP on your account, you will not be able to register. The Dashboard will inform you of any STOPs.

    Taking an informed approach to registration:

    • Your advisor will assist with registration, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you understand, and complete your graduation requirements, including your general education and major coursework requirements as stipulated in the Academic Catalog.
    • ATHLETES: To drop classes, submit an add/drop form signed by Nate Wright, the Faculty Athletic Representative, to the Registrar's Office.


    • Non-Returning Students: If you decide not to attend The Master's University in Spring 2020 please notify Admissions.

    Student Guide to the Registration Dashboard

    Please allow the Registration Dashboard to guide you through Pre-Registration and Registration at The Master's University.


    Begin Pre-Registration in the Registration Dashboard, accessible through the Student Portal, by clicking the orange REGISTER button.

    PRE-REGISTRATION: This tab will take you to Traditional Undergraduate Program Pre-registration. Click, the "Pre-Register Now" button. Once pre-registration is complete, you will be brought back to the Dashboard.

    • Complete/verify the information on each page. On the "Sign & Confirm" page, sign your name using your Self-Service username and password. Once you select "Sign and Submit," a "Congratulations" message will appear indicating that the process is complete. You will not be allowed to register until you have completed this step.
    • Note: the "Congratulations" message will remain once pre-registration is complete. If you go into pre-registration again and do not see the "Congratulations" message, this indicates that the process is not complete.

    Course Selection

    COURSE SELECTION: This tab will allow you to search for and select courses. Click "Finalize Registration" to move to the Registration tab (available when registration is open).

    Adding classes: search for a class and click the "Add" button on the right. This will move the class to your cart. You will be able to see which courses are in your cart, and which courses you have already registered for. You will officially register on the Registration tab. Click "Finalize Registration" once you have selected all your courses. This will take you to the Registration tab.

    Waitlist: If a class is full, click "Join waitlist" to add the course to your cart. The Registration tab will confirm if you are on the waitlist. If a seat becomes available, you will receive an email notifying you of the open seat. You must respond to that email by 5pm the following day to confirm that you still want to add the class. You will not be added unless you respond to the email by the deadline. If you miss the deadline, you will be automatically dropped. You can re-add yourself to the waitlist.

    • How else can I get into the class? The Registrar's Office will add you to the class if you obtain the professor's signature on an add/drop form. Submit the form to the Registrar's Office.

    Unit changes: To change units for a course, add the course, then fill out an add/drop form, specifying the number of units you want to earn. The form will need to be signed by you and the instructor, then submitted to the Registrar's Office.

    Audits: To audit a course, add the course, then fill out an add/drop form, specifying "audit" in the change column. The form will need to be signed by you and the instructor, then submitted to the Registrar's Office.

    Directed Studies: A Directed Study involves a contract that requires signatures. Click on "Directed Studies Request" on the Next Steps tab to begin a Directed Study contract. This process will also automatically request signatures from the Professor, Department Chair, Student Accounts and The Registrar's Office. Once all parties have signed, the Registrar's Office will add the course to your schedule. As long as you have requested the DS by the deadline and do not have a STOP on your account, the DS will be added to your schedule. You will be notified by email if there are any issues.

    Add/Drop Form: An Add/Drop Form is available on the Student Portal for any special add/drop case that you aren't able to perform on your own using the Registration Dashboard. Cases include: Audits, unit changes, withdrawal "W", waitlists, STOP on account.


    • If a course is in your cart, it will no longer show in the search.

    Show Online Degree Program Courses: OLP courses are not intended for Traditional Students. It is advised that you speak with your advisor, Student Accounts, Financial Aid and the Registrar's Office prior to adding OLP courses so that you are aware of the policy differences.


    REGISTRATION: This tab will allow you to officially register for classes. Check the boxes of the classes you want to add, then click, "Register Selected Courses". Or check the boxes of the classes you want to remove from your cart and click, "Remove from cart".

    Dropping courses: check the box next to the class you want to drop and click, "Drop selected Courses".

    Adding more courses: To add more courses, go back to Course Selection tab.

    Schedule: View and print your schedule here.

    Messages: this tab will inform you if your registration is not open yet, if you still need advisor authorization, if you have a STOP, or any other reason that might keep you from registering.

    Next Steps

    NEXT STEPS: This tab provides additional information that may be useful to the registration process.

    • Important semester dates
    • Action needed: reminders of things you need to attend to or be aware of.
    • Quick links to:
      • Student Portal
      • Request an Official Transcript
      • Financial Aid Award & Renewal Form
      • Online Billing Statement
      • Directed Studies Request
      • Schedule Registrar Appointment

    Questions/Feedback about the Dashboard? Contact us at

  • Visit

    Important Dates for Seniors/Graduates in May 2021

    Start Graduation Contract during 2nd semester as a Junior

    Graduation Contract Deadline for Fall 2020 & Spring 2021 Graduates

    Submit Proof of Enrollment for all Transfer Courses

    CLEP Tests Completed for Spring Graduation

    Mandatory Graduation Meeting

    Cap & Gown Portraits

    Graduation Practice

    Faculty/Graduate Luncheon

    Spring 2021 Commencement, College of the Canyons. Visit

    Open Now

    Dec 18, 2020

    Feb 15, 2021

    Feb 15, 2021



    May 7, 2021, 9:30 - 11am

    May 7, 2021, 12 - 1:30 pm

    May 7, 2021, 7 pm

    Graduation Contract

    Students intending to graduate must start a graduation contract. This process is initiated by the student.The contract declares intent to graduate on a certain date, and allows the Registrar's Office to collect the necessary graduation information from the student. It also provides a method to specify exactly what coursework will be required of the student during his/her final year/semester. Once completed and signed, this form is a contract between the student, his/her advisor and the Registrar's Office.

    Note: This contract must be finalized by the end of the Fall semester prior to the Spring ceremony or a late fee of $75 will be charged prior to contract finalization.

    The Graduation contract is a 4-STEP process:

    • STEP 1: Start the graduation contract by clicking Start Grad Contract on the Student Portal . The Registrar's Office will use the information you provide to start your graduation contract, including confirming the last of your General Education requirements. Then, the Registrar's Office will refer you to your advisor:
    • STEP 2: Meet with your major advisor to confirm your remaining major requirements. Your advisor will sign the electronic contract and complete Step 2.
    • STEP 3: Visit the Student Portal and click Pay Grad Fee to pay your graduation fee of $125 ($10 if not walking in the ceremony). This will complete STEP 3.
    • STEP 4: Visit the Student Portal and click Schedule Registrar Appt to schedule an appointment with the Registrar. The Registrar's Office will review and finalize the graduation contract process by signing the contract with you. They will also sign the electronic contract and complete Step 4. If this step happens after the December deadline, you will be charged a $75 late fee.

    Undergraduate Graduation Requirements

    The Master's University grants bachelor's degrees to students who satisfy the graduation requirements described below:

    1. Complete a minimum of 122 semester units of credit.

    2. Complete a minimum of 40 semester units in upper division courses.

    3. Satisfy all General Education requirements.

    4. Complete the required curriculum for the chosen major field(s) of study.

    5. Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00 (cumulative) in all TMU courses and in one's major(s).

    6. Complete a minimum of 32 semester units of non-Directed Studies coursework at TMU or 32 semester units of TMU Degree Completion Program major courses.

    7. Complete at least 12 of the final 24 semester units at TMU.

    Please note that degree requirements within each major are determined by the departmental faculty. Many majors feature a variety of emphases which may have different unit requirements for graduation. Progress toward fulfillment of these major requirements is monitored by departmental faculty and by the Registrar through senior contracts.

    Students are held to the unit requirements within general education and their major/emphasis according to the Academic Catalog under which they initially enter The Master's University. This applies, as well, to those students whose continuous enrollment is interrupted and then return to the university.

    Graduation ceremonies are held once a year with the conclusion of the spring semester, usually in May. Students who finish their degree in the fall semester will receive their degree immediately and are invited to walk in commencement exercises the following May.

    Undergraduate Graduation Honors

    Honors at graduation for baccalaureate recipients are granted to students who have completed at least 60 semester units at The Master's University and have attained the following cumulative grade point average:

    Cum Laude………………..3.50-3.64

    Magna Cum Laude………3.65-3.84

    Summa Cum Laude……..3.85-4.00

    Honors recognized in the graduation ceremony may be changed based on the processing of final grades.

  • Transcripts

    The Master's University students applying to The Master's Seminary do not need to order an official transcript. Please contact TMS for assistance. Separate orders are no longer required for those attending both TMU and TMS and only one fee will be charged per order.


    Academic transcripts are maintained for every student ever in attendance at The Master's University, The Master's Institute, The Master's Seminary, Los Angeles Baptist College and Los Angeles Baptist Theological Seminary.

    Processing time

    Please allow 3-5 business days for processing. Processing time may be delayed at the beginning and end of the semester. Thank you for your patience!

    Official Transcript Fees

    Electronic delivery $12
    Mail delivery $15
    Campus Pick-up $15

    *Please be aware that if you order an eTranscript to be sent to your own email, it will no longer be considered official when it is printed. The word COPY will appear as latent images across the face of the transcript.

    Delivery Options and Fees

    • Electronic Delivery: $12
    • 1st-class USPS mail: $15
    • Express Mail / United States (within 2 business days): $29.20
    • Express Mail / Canada & Mexico:  $49.20
    • Express Mail / International: $62.20

    Unofficial Transcript

    Current students may obtain their unofficial transcript by logging onto Self-Service. If you are a former student/alumni and have a TMU Login or Self-Service account but do not remember your username and password, please contact IT Service Desk for assistance at and/or (661)362-2876. Online unofficial transcripts are not available for students who attended prior 2000, you may request unofficial transcripts by filling out the form below.

    Unofficial Transcript Request Form  (no charge)

    • Step 1: Click Here and complete form

      Step 2: Email/Mail/Fax form to the Office of the Registrar

      Step 3: Call the Registrar's Office at 661-362-2813 to provide payment information

      Step 4: Optional: For electronic delivery Click Here. Create an account under Step 1, do not proceed to Step 2. To complete the process contact the Office of the Registrar at (661)362-2813 or at

    Diploma Replacement

    Diploma Request Form  $10

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Please click here

    Contact Us

    Phone: (661) 362-2813 or (800) 568-6248 x2813

    Fax: (661) 362-2722 (private & secure)

    Email:  (if scanning paper form, call in credit card info)

    Mail: The Master's University, Office of the Registrar, 21726 Placerita Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91321

  • See what transfers to TMU:

    Note: Students are held to the Academic Catalog of their first full-time semester as an undergraduate student at TMU.

    New to TMU?

    We are currently working on updating our existing articulation agreements.

    • If your college isn't listed, or,
    • If you took courses not listed, or,
    • If you have any other questions about transferring,

    Please contact our Transfer Admissions Counselor at

    Attending/Returning students:

    Below are lists of courses that transfer from other colleges to TMU as well as AP, CLEP, DSST & IB Exams. These lists are based on the timing of your first full-time semester at TMU.

    • Fall 2019 or later: please contact our Transfer Evaluation Analyst, Heather Starr at if your first full-time semester was Fall 2019 or later.
    • Fall 2015 - Summer 2019: please refer to the "Fall 2015 to Summer 2019" links below if your first full-time semester was between Fall 2015 and Summer 2019. Summary of FA15 Gen Ed changes.
    • Pre-Fall 2015: please refer to the "Pre-Fall 2015" links below if your first full-time semester was before Fall 2015.

    If your college is not listed, please email the following information to for approval:

    • The name of the college/university
    • The course(s) name, number code, and
    • Course description
    School Fall 2019 or later (under construction) Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    AP Tests Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    CLEP Tests Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    DSST Tests Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    IB Exams Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Alaska-Anchorage Community Colleges Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Prince William Sound Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Arizona Western College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Central Arizona College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Chandler Gilbert Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Cochise College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Coconino County Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Eastern Arizona College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Estrella Mountain Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    GateWay Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Glendale Community College (AZ) Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Grand Canyon University Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Mesa Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Mohave Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Northland Pioneer College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Paradise Valley Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Phoenix College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Pima Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Rio Salado Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Scottsdale Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    South Mountain Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Yavapai College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Allan Hancock College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    American River College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Antelope Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Bakersfield College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Barstow College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Berkeley City College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Butte College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Cabrillo College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    CaƱada College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Cerritos College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Cerro Coso Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Chabot College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Chaffey College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Citrus College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    City College of San Francisco Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Clovis College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Coastline Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    College of Alameda Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    College of Marin Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    College of San Mateo Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    College of the Canyons Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    College of the Desert Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    College of the Redwoods Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    College of the Sequoias Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    College of the Siskiyous Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Columbia College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Compton College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Contra Costa College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Copper Mountain College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Cosumnes River College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Crafton Hills College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Cuesta College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Cuyamaca College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Cypress College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    De Anza College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Diablo Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    East Los Angeles College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    El Camino College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Evergreen Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Feather River College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Folsom Lake College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Foothill College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Fresno City College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Fullerton College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Gavilan College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Glendale Community College (CA) Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Golden West College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Grossmont College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Hartnell College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Imperial Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Irvine Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Lake Tahoe Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Laney College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Las Positas College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Lassen College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Long Beach City College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Los Angeles Bible Training School Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Los Angeles City College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Los Angeles Harbor College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Los Angeles Mission College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Los Angeles Pierce College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Los Angeles Southwest College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Los Angeles Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Los Medanos College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Mendocino College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Merced College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Merritt College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Mira Costa College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Mission College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Modesto Junior College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Monterey Peninsula College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Moorpark College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Moreno Valley College
    Mt. San Antonio College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Mt. San Jacinto College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Napa Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Norco College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Ohlone College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Orange Coast College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Oxnard College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Palo Verde College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Palomar College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Pasadena City College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Porterville College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Reedley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Rio Hondo College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Riverside City College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Sacramento City College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Saddleback College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    San Bernardino Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    San Diego City College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    San Diego Mesa College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    San Diego Miramar College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    San Joaquin Delta College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    San Jose City College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Santa Ana College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Santa Barbara City College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Santa Monica College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Santa Rosa Junior College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Santiago Canyon College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Shasta College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Sierra College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Skyline College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Solano Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Southwestern College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Taft College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Ventura College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Victor Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    West Hills College Coalinga Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    West Hills College Lemoore Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    West Los Angeles College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    West Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Woodland Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Yuba College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Community College of Denver Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Front Range Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Morgan Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Pike's Peak Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Florida State College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Pensacola Christian College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Hawaii Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Honolulu Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Kapiolani Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Kauai Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Leeward Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Maui Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Windward Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    College of Western Idaho Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    North Idaho College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    University of Idaho (On-line) Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Des Moines Area Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    College of Lake County Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Illinois Central College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Kishwaukee Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Ivy Tech Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Butler Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Hutchison Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Louisiana State University Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    North Central Michigan College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Central Lakes College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Century College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Minnesota State Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Normandale Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    North Hennepin Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Flathead Valley Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Mid-Plains Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    College of Southern Nevada Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Western Nevada College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Truckee Meadows Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    New Mexico
    Clovis College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    New York
    Niagara County Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    North Carolina
    Central Carolina Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Lakeland Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Tulsa Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Blue Mountain Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Central Oregon Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Chemeketa Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Clackamas Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Clatsop Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Columbia Gorge Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Klamath Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Lane Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Linn-Benton Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Mount Hood Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Oregon Coast Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Portland Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Rogue Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Southwestern Oregon Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Tillamook Bay Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Treasure Valley Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Umpqua Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Harrisburg Area Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Nashville State Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Austin Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Cedar Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Central Texas College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Community College of Aurora Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Dallas County College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    EastField College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    El Paso Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Grayson College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Houston Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Jacksonville College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Kilgore College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Lee Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Lone Star College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    McLennan Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Midland College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Navarro College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    North Central Texas College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Northeast Texas College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Northwest Vista College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Odessa College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Panola College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Paris Junior College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Ranger College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Richland College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    San Antonio College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    St. Philip's Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Tarrant County College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Victoria College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Western Texas College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Wharton County Junior College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Salt Lake City Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Liberty University Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Northern Virginia Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Bellevue College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Big Bend Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Cascadia Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Centralia College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Clark College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Columbia Basin College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Edmonds Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Everett Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Grays Harbor College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Green River Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Highline Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Lower Columbia College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    North Seattle Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Olympic College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Peninsula College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Pierce College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Seattle Central Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Shoreline Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Skagit Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    South Puget Sound Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    South Seattle Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Spokane Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Spokane Falls Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Tacoma Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Walla Walla Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Wenatchee Valley College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Whatcom Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Yakima Valley Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Central Wyoming College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Western Wyoming College Fall 2015-Summer 2019
    Other Colleges
    American Public University Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    American Samoa Community College Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015
    Word of Life Fall 2015-Summer 2019 Pre-Fall 2015

  • Transfer Students

    Transfer Credit Policies

    TMU grants credit for college level coursework from other colleges and universities based on the following criteria:

    1. The student must have good standing at the institution(s) previously attended. Students who have been dismissed or suspended from another college for disciplinary reasons must request that a letter be sent by the dean of the college involved, detailing the reasons for such dismissal.

    2. No courses will be transferred in which the grade earned was less than C (2.0). Credit will be given for accepted courses which will apply toward the student's course of study at The Master's University.

    3. No more than 70 units of credit will be accepted from a junior/community college. Courses for which credit is allowed toward the bachelor's degree must be university transfer level.

    4. No more than 94 units from other accredited institutions may apply toward fulfillment of degree requirements at The Master's University. Transfer students must take at least 12 semester units of upper division work in their major at TMU.

    5. Students who are transferring from an accredited institution and who have completed a lower division course which had content comparable to an upper division course at The Master's University may: (a) choose to retake the course at TMU to earn upper division credit for the course; or (b) choose to pass a competency exam to verify that the lower division course was comparable in rigor to the upper division course at TMU. Passing the competency exam entitles the student to enroll in another upper division course to earn sufficient upper division credits.

    6. Transfer credit may be granted to students from unaccredited schools of collegiate rank upon approval of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.

    7. The Master's University will grant credit for transferable college coursework taken before high school graduation if taken from an accredited college. Official transcripts must be submitted and all other transfer requirements met.

    8. The maximum number of transfer credits which will be awarded for various types of "non-traditional" college coursework from accredited institutions are as follows:

      • 32 units of Advanced Placement (maximum of 32 units), CLEP examinations (maximum of 18 units), or credit by TMU assessment (maximum of 12 units).

      • 45 units of transfer credit from military transcript with maximum of 30 units applicable toward meeting TMU general education requirements.

      • 36 units of non-traditional course work including: directed studies courses, correspondence courses, computer and WWW-based distance education courses, or video/ITV-based courses.

    TMU's Transfer General Education

    Transfer students who have satisfied ALL of the requirements for either IGETC (UC or CSU) or BREADTH prior to enrolling at TMU will be considered to have their non-Bible GE class requirements complete. No further non-Bible GE classes will be required at TMU.

    Bible General Education. Transfers with 24 units or more will only need to satisfy one Bible course per semester of enrollment until graduation. The first four courses must be Old Testament Survey 1 & 2 and New Testament Survey 1 & 2. However, we would strongly prefer students take Old Testament 1 before 2 and New Testament 1 before 2. After those four classes, a student may take in any order Theology 1 & 2 and Essentials of Christian Thought.

    Transfer students may submit their transcripts to their Admissions Counselor for academic advising at any time before enrolling for their first semester.

    Credit Limits for Non-Traditional TMU Coursework

    The maximum number of semester units from non-traditional format TMU courses that a student may count toward a degree program is as follows:

    • 13 units of TMU Directed Studies courses.

    • 24 units of intensive format TMU courses (Post-session, Winterim, or GE school).

    • 24 units of credit for life experience assessment.

    Credit by Examination

    The Master's University, as a member of the College Entrance Examination Board, recognizes the merits of the Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and the International Baccalaureate (IB), and will grant credit for passing scores in certain tests offered through these programs. A student may earn a maximum of 32 semester units of AP/CLEP exam transfer credit. If a student takes a college course for which he/she has already received AP/CLEP credit, then he/she forfeits that transfer credit.

    The Master's University reserves the right to determine the amount of credit that will be awarded for all AP/CLEP transfer credit examinations. Credit for all AP courses other than Math and Science, is awarded based on a score of "3", "4", or "5". Credit for Math and Science AP courses is awarded based on a score of "4" or "5". CLEP examination credit may be granted for all courses based on a CLEP score of 55 or above. The university will grant credit for IB examinations with scores of "5", "6", or "7".

    Note: The Master's University has been designated as a national testing facility for the CLEP examination. If CLEP examinations have already been taken, contact the Registrar's Office for information regarding acceptance of CLEP scores. For testing information, see our CLEP Testing pages.

    The Master's University

    AP Information & Policies

    High school students may receive advanced collegiate standing by participating in the Advanced Placement (AP) program. Up to 32 credits may be earned through this program or by other test-out procedures. Hours earned through Advanced Placement do not count as hours in residence toward graduation with honors.

    To earn credit through Advanced Placement, students must enroll in specific AP courses offered by their respective high schools. Upon completing these courses, students take individual Advanced Placement examinations in each Advanced Placement course. Students may earn college credit for AP scores of three, four, or five. Students should request that scores from these examinations be sent directly to The Master's University by entering code number 4411 on their registration forms. Upon receiving these scores, the university awards the appropriate amount and type of credit for each examination as determined by each academic department. No fees other than the fees accompanying the examinations, must be paid in order to receive the college credit. In some cases, sophomore standing in particular subject areas may be earned through these examinations. Students should contact their local high schools to obtain Advanced Placement course and registration information.

    The Master's University

    CLEP Information & Policies

    The Master's University participates in the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) sponsored by The College Board and administered nationally by Educational Testing Services through participating colleges and universities. This program is designed to provide the opportunity for students to earn college credit by passing examinations in subject areas in which they have already developed college-level knowledge and understanding. The examinations are composed of various multiple-choice questions and are administered in timed segments totaling 90 minutes.

    The Master's University offers CLEP tests to current TMU students, as well as to individuals who have been accepted for admission to the university. For information on CLEP testing, click here.

    CLEP examinations and the scores required to qualify for credit at The Master's University are reviewed annually are effective from July 1 through the following June. Score reports are evaluated by the standards being utilized at the time the exam was taken.

    Students may not pursue credit by CLEP examination for any course in which they have been enrolled. Additionally, students may not CLEP a course if they have taken a more advanced level course in that discipline. Hours earned through CLEP examinations do not count as hours in residence toward graduation with honors.

    Note: For students entering TMU as freshmen or sophomores, CLEP credit will only be awarded up to the end of the student's first semester of his/her senior year. For transfer juniors or seniors, CLEP credit will be awarded up to the fourth week of the final semester of the senior year.

    A maximum of 32 semester units of test-out credit (including CLEP, AP, IB, and other department-approved test outs) may be earned toward a degree at The Master's University.

    The CLEP program requires a minimum 6-month waiting period before repeating any test. CLEP exam results for high school students will be applied to the student's TMU transcript upon matriculation at the university.

    Students may take CLEP exams at other institutions and request the scores be sent to The Master's University. This is done by designating The Master's University in the appropriate place when taking the exam. The Master's CLEP number is 4411. A complete list of test centers throughout the country is available from The College Board in Princeton, New Jersey, or can be referenced in the Career Services Center at The Master's University.

    For more information contact:

    TMU Testing Center CLEP
    The Master's University P.O. Box 6600
    21726 Placerita Canyon Road Princeton, NJ 08541-6600
    Santa Clarita, CA 91321-1200
    661-259-3540, ext. 2267 |

  • Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center 2019 Schedule


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